Monday, September 28, 2015

Reusing Concrete Slabs in Germany / Betoonpaneelide taaskasutamine Saksamaal

German architect Hervé Biele's first built project takes advantage of the country's housing surplus in old plattenbauen, or "slab houses", by breaking down the towers into smaller units, and recycling the prefabricated concrete panels into rehumanized modular housing. This approach to industrial reuse has raised lots of interest in Germany, and the project has launched the opening of his firm.

Arhitekt Hervé Biele on Saksamaal lahendanud mitu probleemi ühe liigutusega. Tühjalt seievad suured paneelmajad lammutatakse nii, et nende paneele saaks taaskasutada eramute ehitamisel. See hoiab kokku nii ehituskuludelt kui väldib uute paneelide ehitamise ja vanade ära viskamise.

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