Thursday, October 1, 2015

Vade Mecum for Off-Site Reuse / Manuaal materjalide taaskasutamiseks

Extracting reusable building components from to be demolished public buildings was long handicapped by uncertainty on how to organise such an operation while respecting all requirements for public tendering.
But no more excuses, today Rotor launched a Vademecum that explains in detail how to set things up. From simply getting rid of a few unnecessary barriers to actively stimulating reuse practicers, public commissioners are given a broad set of options on how to start doing what common sense demands: recirculating high quality components, earning money on sales and in avoided demolition costs, and creating local jobs in the process. The document includes a dozen template forms and example tenders allowing for an easy and fast implementation.

Belgia grupeering Rotor avaldas täna manuaali abistamaks lammutamisele määratud avalikest hoonetest saadavate materjalide hankimist ja taaskasutamist.

(Photo:Liina-Liis Pihu)

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